Contacte-me por e-mail, através do formulário abaixo, ou, em alternativa, das redes sociais listadas.
Assine a newsletter informativa para receber ocasionalmente informação sobre o meu trabalho fotográfico:
Se a sua questão é específica a uma fotografia (ou várias), please favor indique o respetivo ID Único da Fotografia (presente na maior parte das legendas, visíveis ao abrir a imagem em ecrã completo, conforme exemplo abaixo) ou o Portfólio ou Publicação em que está inserida.
This section is intended to clarify that I take Copyright Infringement very seriously. This is a very difficult subject to manage, but I can’t stress enough to, in doubt, please ask before acting on any intended use from your part of any of my photographs. In general: if you see a “share button” of some sort on this website or any social media sites feel free to share the image with your friends on your social media profiles, that’s what they’re there for! I’ll be very thankful in fact! However if you intend to use it or display it on any context that will result in any revenue of any kind for you do not share it. In doubt, please ask for clarification. Also, adding a “© Adriano Neves” caption does not make its use properly licensed.
If you are visiting my website after having received a notice from a legal representative on my behalf please be aware that the procedure is real and will be carried through. Communications will be held strictly through my legal representatives and any messages delivered directly to myself will be forwarded to the legal team.